Mon, Apr 14, 2014
Often patients come to me with concerns about their posture. They are frequently worried about ending up with that “hump” that their mother or grandmother has. Most of the time, a Dowager’s hump will not make you look like Quasimodo. However, it can be the cause of degeneration and constriction on the spine and nervous system.
As a Structural Chiropractor in San Clemente my main focus is on detecting structural shifts in the spine and correcting them. One of the most common is what is called AHS (anterior head syndrome). This structural abnormality leads to secondary conditions like a Dowager’s hump. Through our structural corrective care we can restore the proper angle in the spine which in turn will lead to the decrease in size, or complete resolution of the Dowager’s hump.
I offer Complimentary Consultations in my office to determine whether or not I can help you before we perform a thorough structural examination to determine if you have AHS. If this is of interest to you Please contact us to schedule a Consultation. (949) 284-6620